Remote Sensing and Forest Inventory course given for first time

Spring term 2016 started with a new course called ”Remote Sensing and Forest Inventory”. It’s the first time a 15hp course is given on Remote Sensing and Inventory combined. Eleven forestry undergraduates and two PhD students have taken the course which has run from January 18 – March 21.

New elements in the course have been

  • ”Ljungbergs Week” with demonstrations and hands-on experience with TLS, UAVs, and 3D point cloud generation
  • A new radar exercise using Sentinel-1 data
  • A lecture on ground-based inventory methods using remote sensing instruments (TLS, MLS, and photogrammetry)
  • Introduction to multi-source forest inventory
  • Integration of lecture and exercises using our Environmental Monitoring data (From NFI and NILS)

The students finish the course Monday 21 March with a presentation of their one week independent project.