A productive Fall

The Remote Sensing group at SLU has had a very productive Fall. The latest fruits of that labor have been several successful grant applications, including:

”Tree species information from airborne and terrestrial sensors” – 1.8 million SEK from Hildur och Sven Wingquist Foundation for forest science research to Eva Lindberg (main applicant), and Johan Holmgren, Håkan Olsson, Johan Fransson, Mattias Nyström, Kenneth Olofsson and Jörgen Wallerman as co-applicants. The project will use our Remningstrop study area.

”Iterative land cover classification using multiple Sentinel-2 images” – 3.1 million SEK from the Swedish National Space Board to Heather Reese (main applicant), and Eva Lindberg, Anton Grafström and Håkan Olsson as co-applicants. The study will use time series of new Sentinel-2 images.

”Mobile laser scanning for forestry applications” – 724 tSEK from Bo Rydins foundation for scientific research to Johan Holmgren with co-applicants Mattias Nyström, Kenneth Olofsson and Håkan Olsson.

”Mobile laser scanning for forestry applications” – 430 tSEK from Carl Tryggers foundation for scientific research to Johan Holmgren with co-applicants Mattias Nyström, Kenneth Olofsson and Håkan Olsson.

A number of articles were published this Fall as well, with the latest being ”Data Assimilation in Forest Inventory: First Empirical Results” in the journal Forests 2015, 6(12), 4540-4557  with authors Mattias Nyström, Nils Lindgren, Jörgen Wallerman, Anton Grafström,  Anders MusztaKenneth NyströmJonas BohlinErik WillénJohan E. S. Fransson, Sarah EhlersHåkan Olsson, and Göran Ståhl. A link directly to the article is found here: http://www.mdpi.com/1999-4907/6/12/4384.  For a complete list of our publications for 2015, please link to our web site on www.slu.se/srh/.

As a last highlight, please look at the separate web site for the Ljungbergslab — www.rslab.se — to see all the activities going on there.
We look forward to 2016 and the exciting work to be done in the Remote Sensing field. But first, we look forward to a Christmas Holiday break.
God Jul!