September activities

The summer vacation is over and remote sensing activities are back in full swing. Among other things, there are several conferences coming up in September that we have or will be attending. These include:

Photogrammetric Week in Stuttgart, Germany, where Jonas Bohlin attended.

FOSS4G, which Mats Högström is attending.

Silvilaser 2015 where Håkan Olsson is a committee member, and the following presentations will be given by members of the Forest Remote Sensing section:

– Data assimilation in forestry, first practical results using ALS data. Mattias Nyström, Nils Lindgren, Jörgen Wallerman, Anton Grafström, Anders Muszta, Kenneth Nyström, Göran Ståhl and Håkan Olsson.

– Individual tree properties from ALS data as input to habitat analysis in boreal forest. Eva Lindberg, Jean-Michel Roberge, Therese Johansson, Markus Hollaus, Johan Holmgren and Joakim Hjältén.

– Updating the National Forest Attribute Map using stereo matching of aerial images, the national terrain model and data from the National Forest Inventory? Jonas Bohlin, Johanna Blombäck, Jörgen Wallerman and Johan Fransson.

– A nationwide forest attribute map of Sweden derived using airborne laser scanning data and field data from the national forest inventory. Mats Nilsson, Karin Nordkvist, Jonas Jonzén, Nils Lindgren, Peder Axensten, Jörgen Wallerman, Mikael Egberth, Svante Larsson, Liselott Nilsson, Johan Eriksson and Håkan Olsson

– Estimation of tree stem attributes using ground based and airborne laser scanning. Johan Holmgren, Kenneth Olofsson, Mattias Nyström and Håkan Olsson.

SLU also shared an announcement today for the upcoming ”Remote Sensing Days” held by the Swedish National Space Board in October.