Formas projects granted which will use remote sensing

The Swedish Research Council Formas has made a decision on the projects awarded money from their call ”Research on forest raw materials and biomass – sustainable primary production”. The application ”Data assimilation for supporting sustainable forestry” where Håkan Olsson was the main applicant (Göran Ståhl, Johan Sonesson, Anton Grafström, Johan Holmgren, Lars Wilhelmsson, & Eva Lindberg as co-applicants), was granted 5 million SEK.

Two other projects where remote sensing section members were co-applicants were also granted funding, namely the project ”Does sustained yield of forest biomass result in a carbon sink at the forest landscape scale?” where Mattias Peichl is the main applicant (Johan Fransson, co-applicant from remote sensing) received 6.6 million SEK, and the project ”The forgotten forest? Linking commercial thinning and biodiversity for sustainable biomass production in boreal forest” with Sönke Eggers as the main applicant (Eva Lindberg, co-applicant from remote sensing) received 5.4 million SEK.

See the press release on the Formas website.