The route planned for todays automatic flight.

UAV flights

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The first of Ljungbergslabbets three multirotors is now flying. The hexacopter is built of a Tarot T810 frame and 3DR Pixhawk autopilot. The rest of the parts are designed with the goal of flying well with a total weight of 7kg. At the moment we have equipped the copter with a camera for image matching,… Fortsätt läsa UAV flights

Eva Lindberg receives KSLA prize for her PhD dissertation

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The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (Kungliga Skogs- och Lantbruksakademiens or KSLA) has selected the 2015 recipients of prizes and awards for meritorious accomplishments within academia. Among these is TeknD Eva Lindberg, who received the prize for an outstanding PhD dissertation. Her dissertation was titlted ”Estimation of Canopy Structure and Individual Trees from Laser Scanning… Fortsätt läsa Eva Lindberg receives KSLA prize for her PhD dissertation

Henrik Persson defended his PhD dissertation 12 December

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Henrik Persson successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled ”Estimation of forest parameters using 3D satellite data – Stereogrammetry, radargrammetry and interferometry” on the 12th of December. His opponent was Professor Svein Solberg, from the Norsk institutt for skog og landskap. Henrik’s thesis focused on using different types of three-dimensional (3D) satellite data sources to accurately estimate forest… Fortsätt läsa Henrik Persson defended his PhD dissertation 12 December

Projects granted by the Swedish National Space Board

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In the recent annual calls from the Swedish National Space Board (Rymdstyrelsen), two proposals were funded where a member from the Section was the main applicant. Johan Fransson received a grant for the research project ”Retrieval of forest biomass and biomass change with spaceborne SAR” which will run from 2015-16. The objective of the research project is… Fortsätt läsa Projects granted by the Swedish National Space Board

Drones in the swedish news

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The swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter wrote an article about drones last Sunday. The article can be found on DN’s webpage: In the last sentences you can read about our new remote sensing lab, Ljungbergslaboratoriet.