Stockholm metro #3


Hello, today we will have a look not exactly on Stockholm metro but Stockholm train stations, which are also worth visiting. These three are, in my opinion, the most interesting ones, however, it is possible that I missed some.  I enjoy those small details which create stations that everybody admires. Stockholm City On one hand… Continue reading Stockholm metro #3

Trip to Oslo


Hej everybody! With this article we will travel a little, as in January, we bought cheap bus tickets to Oslo and made a short but nice trip. Oslo is 8 hours from Stockholm by bus and we arrived on Saturday mornig which was great that we had all day to explore the city. Despite the… Continue reading Trip to Oslo

Trip to Malmö


Hello everybody. Within our trip to Copenhagen we did a trip to Malmö as well. Malmö is in close proximity to Copenhagen and we took the train from Copenhagen which took us there in approximately 40 minutes. Malmö is the third largest city in Sweden with population of around 300 000. First things we wanted… Continue reading Trip to Malmö

Trip to Copenhagen


Hej hej, During the weekend I did a trip to Copenhagen. To be frank, I skipped two lectures due to our flight on Thursday, but I believe that it will not cause any problems and I know that I am not the only one who does so. Moreover, now I feel more relaxed and ready… Continue reading Trip to Copenhagen

Trip to Sigtuna


Hello everyone! I hope you all had a pleasant weekend and in this article I will show you another place which is worth visiting. On Friday, I went to Sigtuna which is Sweden´s first town and was founded in the 10th century. Luckily, it is very easy to get there. From Stockholm you can take commuter… Continue reading Trip to Sigtuna