Spring in Stockholm


Hej hej! Kungsträdgården is probably one of the most famous spots in Stockholm during spring since cherry blossom trees have their season and they start to blossom. I do not have any comparison with previous years, but I felt that this year they started to blossom later than usually. This year it has started around 24th of… Continue reading Spring in Stockholm

Uppsala x Stockholm


Hello, After few months of studying and living in Sweden, I think I am able to compare two cities I spend most of my time in – Uppsala and Stockholm – and share how I perceive these cities. Uppsala Sometimes I would like to live in Uppsala to enjoy the proper student life since there is… Continue reading Uppsala x Stockholm

Stockholm metro #2


Hi, today I will show you few metro stations which you can find in Stockholm. These could be found easily on the red line and they are amazing. I always try to unravel the hidden meaning of each station, unfortunately, there is not so much available. I am curious why some stations look the way… Continue reading Stockholm metro #2

Trip to Skogskyrkogården


Hi. After finishing an exam, I wanted to go somewhere for a walk or just to be outside because since I came back from Prague, I spent a lot of time inside studying. Hence being some time outside was urgent. We decided to go to Skogskyrkogården which is easily reachable by green line of Stockholm… Continue reading Trip to Skogskyrkogården

Stockholm metro #1


Hello, in this article I will guide you through Stockholm metro (tunnelbana) which is really admirable! The Stockholm metro is often called “the world´s longest art gallery” and I have to agree.  I have never seen metro like this and my first travels with tunnelbana were with my eyes wide open and I was full… Continue reading Stockholm metro #1

Open House Stockholm 2017


Hello, this weekend was Open House Stockholm organised in the city and as I really enjoy even Open House Praha (in my hometown) I could not miss the Stockholm one. In general, Open House is an event where interesting places and buildings in the city, which are usually closed to public, open for few days… Continue reading Open House Stockholm 2017

Stockholm Archipelago


If you feel tired of sitting in the library and studying (or anything else), I can truly recommend you a place suitable for relaxation and where you will clear your mind. Stockholm Archipelago is that remedy. Shortly I will tell you what Stockholm Archipelago is. Archipelago is just few minutes away from Stockholm and it… Continue reading Stockholm Archipelago