Thesis Day


Hello, Today was Thesis day at SLU. Thesis day is an event, where students present their degree projects with posters and presentations. This year, it was arranged for the first time and it was interesting to see what we are supposed to do next year. We could see what the posters contained and how students structured them… Continue reading Thesis Day

Student Union x Student Nation


Hi, I realised that had never described the difference between Student Union and Student Nations in Uppsala, which is something I was really lost in during my first days of the campus (let´s be honest, during first weeks or months :D). I did not know what students unions or nations are from my previous studies,… Continue reading Student Union x Student Nation

The Film about SLU


Hello, Below, you can watch a short film about how people engaged with SLU contribute to a better world. Everyone at SLU had a possibility to film short asnwers on the question “How do you contribute to a better world?” The final answers may give you a broader insight into the main areas that SLU… Continue reading The Film about SLU

Swedish Nature as a lure


Hej 🙂 Since on the 16th of April is the deadline for the second admission round for autumn semester where you can apply to SLU, I would like to share some pictures which may force you to apply and go study to Sweden, since you will not regret that. Firstly, you can apply through University… Continue reading Swedish Nature as a lure

Research Methods course


Hej hej, The second course, which we had to take this semester, was called Research Methods. Within this course we developed overall understanding of methodology which is essential for writing of our Master´s theses. I found this course really rewarding and I have learnt so many things which I will make use of during writing of… Continue reading Research Methods course

Production Economics #2


Hi, I bring some news about the course Production Economics. I have already covered a lot of things in first part of this course desription, however, here comes a conclusion.  Group projects are over, presentation is over and of course exam is over, too. Therefore my final thoughts about this course are inevitable 🙂 I… Continue reading Production Economics #2

New courses


After completing the course Production Economics, new courses have started. Yes, courses. Currently, we have two courses at the same time, which used to be perfectly normal for me, however, I got used to the Swedish system where you usually attend one course only and after the course finishes, you continue with another one. Therefore,… Continue reading New courses

Back to reality


After three weeks in the Czech Republic of doing only the things I wanted to, I had to get back into reality fast. At first, I planned to study during my stay at home, but surprisingly, it was not something I wanted to do and therefore I just postponed my duties until I am back… Continue reading Back to reality