Uppsala x Stockholm


Hello, After few months of studying and living in Sweden, I think I am able to compare two cities I spend most of my time in – Uppsala and Stockholm – and share how I perceive these cities. Uppsala Sometimes I would like to live in Uppsala to enjoy the proper student life since there is… Continue reading Uppsala x Stockholm

The Film about SLU


Hello, Below, you can watch a short film about how people engaged with SLU contribute to a better world. Everyone at SLU had a possibility to film short asnwers on the question “How do you contribute to a better world?” The final answers may give you a broader insight into the main areas that SLU… Continue reading The Film about SLU

Swedish Nature as a lure


Hej 🙂 Since on the 16th of April is the deadline for the second admission round for autumn semester where you can apply to SLU, I would like to share some pictures which may force you to apply and go study to Sweden, since you will not regret that. Firstly, you can apply through University… Continue reading Swedish Nature as a lure

Research Methods course


Hej hej, The second course, which we had to take this semester, was called Research Methods. Within this course we developed overall understanding of methodology which is essential for writing of our Master´s theses. I found this course really rewarding and I have learnt so many things which I will make use of during writing of… Continue reading Research Methods course

Stockholm metro #3


Hello, today we will have a look not exactly on Stockholm metro but Stockholm train stations, which are also worth visiting. These three are, in my opinion, the most interesting ones, however, it is possible that I missed some.  I enjoy those small details which create stations that everybody admires. Stockholm City On one hand… Continue reading Stockholm metro #3

Swedish Personal Number #2


Hej hej! In previous article, I wrote about Swedish Personal Number, what it is and how to get it. Now it´s the right time to tell you why is it convenient to have one. Another thing which I should mention first is that having personal number is not sufficient. You have to obtain ID card… Continue reading Swedish Personal Number #2

Swedish Personal Number #1


Hello, today I would like to describe what is a Swedish Personal number, how to get it and next time I will also write about why it is nice to have one. What is personal number (=personnummer)? Swedish personal number consists of 10 digit number (YYMMDD+4 random numbers) which is unique for each person, so that… Continue reading Swedish Personal Number #1