Welcome back


Hello and welcome back after a summer break! I hope you all had a wonderful summertime and now you feel ready to start a new semester, however, I doubt that anyone can be ready for studying again after long break 😀 This summer in Sweden was exceptionally hot with a lot of forest fires in… Continue reading Welcome back

Ethics course


Hej hej, I would like to summarise what the Ethics course was about. It was the 5 credits course and during the semester we did not have that many lectures or seminars which gave us a sufficient amount of time to prepare for the assignments. First of all, I think this was one the best… Continue reading Ethics course

Thesis Day


Hello, Today was Thesis day at SLU. Thesis day is an event, where students present their degree projects with posters and presentations. This year, it was arranged for the first time and it was interesting to see what we are supposed to do next year. We could see what the posters contained and how students structured them… Continue reading Thesis Day

Final days of the courses


Hello, this week we have our final presentations and next week we will take an exam. Then this academic year is over. During any presentation we have to highlight main points that we investigated within our projects. Currently, I have two courses, and both have slightly different requirements of presentation, however, there is always an… Continue reading Final days of the courses

Student Union x Student Nation


Hi, I realised that had never described the difference between Student Union and Student Nations in Uppsala, which is something I was really lost in during my first days of the campus (let´s be honest, during first weeks or months :D). I did not know what students unions or nations are from my previous studies,… Continue reading Student Union x Student Nation

Only few days left


Hej hej, It sounds a bit oddly when I realise that soon we will finish the courses and the first year of my Master´s studies will be over. Currently, we have no lectures, however, we have to finish our projects and there is still a lot to work on. It becomes even harder to concentrate… Continue reading Only few days left

Trip to Tyresta National Park


Hej hej. Summer days are coming and therefore I would like to recommend you a place to visit – Tyresta National Park. Tyresta National Park is just around 20 km south of Stockholm and can be easily reached by SL traffic. It was established in 1993 and includes 2000 hectares of beautiful landscape where you… Continue reading Trip to Tyresta National Park

TED Talk recommendation #2


Hello, today I want to share an inspirational TED Talk video that I have seen few months ago and I suppose many students, but basically everybody, can relate to it. I really liked the example of broken water heater and other thoughts about the elasticity of time. I have to admit that often I recall… Continue reading TED Talk recommendation #2