Writing and language support


SLU´s Library offers writing and language support for the students! There are many ways the staff in the library will help you. The Centre for Academic Language provides support for students preparing a written or oral presentation, in Swedish or English.  They can help you with a work plan, language and style, structure, abstract technique,… Continue reading Writing and language support

Greta Thunberg


You may probably heard about Greta. In case you care about environmental problems, climate change and related problems, I am sure you know who Greta Thunberh is. Only sixteen years old Swedish girl who started school strikes in order to highlight the importance of dealing with reducing carbon emissions and require the governments to act… Continue reading Greta Thunberg

Writing a Master thesis


Hello, in this article I would like to highlight the main deadlines and details related to writing a Master thesis. In my case, I started a 30 credit course on 21st of January and final submission of the thesis is on 9th of June meaning that within this period you are supposed not to have… Continue reading Writing a Master thesis

Snowy Uppsala


Everything has been covered with snow since I arrived back and I find it really nice. The temperature is below zero but not too much (sometimes it is freezing a lot though) and city looks nicer. Just look at Uppsala castle surrounded by snow cover. So calming. And this is Ulls Hus and our snowy… Continue reading Snowy Uppsala

Back to SLU


So after a semester abroad in Edinbrugh, I am back in Sweden! Everything felt so new but on the other hand nothing was new at all. It was exciting to go to SLU and finally see other classmates. Some people went on exchange studies as well, others took distance courses and did not go to… Continue reading Back to SLU

Master thesis “course”


Currently, I am taking a course ” Master Thesis in Business Administration” which is something between course and independent work on our theses and I was thinking that it would be perhaps useful for you to see how writing of a thesis works at SLU. It is also worth noting that I am writing my… Continue reading Master thesis “course”



Welcome to 2019! I wish you a year full of amazing moments and I would like to highlight the application deadline on 15th of January. You can apply here and you can also find useful information there. I have already written several articles about application process and documents that are required so just browse the… Continue reading 2019

God Jul / Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas to all of you!  I hope you are having a great time with your loved ones and have an opportunity to enjoy some quality time wherever you are! I left Edinburgh and currently I am in the Czech Republic for Christmas and in January, I will go back to Sweden to work on… Continue reading God Jul / Merry Christmas