Spring in Stockholm


Hej hej! Kungsträdgården is probably one of the most famous spots in Stockholm during spring since cherry blossom trees have their season and they start to blossom. I do not have any comparison with previous years, but I felt that this year they started to blossom later than usually. This year it has started around 24th of… Continue reading Spring in Stockholm

Happy Easter


Happy Easter to all of you.               I hope that it means that spring will come really soon because so far it has been still cold despite sunny days. Even though we are lucky enough to enjoy plenty of sunny days with a possibility of relaxing outside in the sunshine,… Continue reading Happy Easter

Vasa Museum


Hi ! You may have heard about Vasa Museum, which is a famous tourist attraction and belongs to the most visited museums in Stockholm. It is a maritime museum located on Djurgården in Stockholm and a dominant there is Vasa warship which sank only after few metres from the coast on her maiden voyage in… Continue reading Vasa Museum

Fettisdagen + Semla


After kanelbullensdag, kladdkakansdag, Luciabuns, here comes another famous day celebrated with sweet pastry – Fettisdagen where sweet Semla is the main part of this. This year it was on Tuesday 13th of February but it is not on fixed day hence it may occur between 3rd of February and 9th March. Fettisdagen means fat Tuesday in… Continue reading Fettisdagen + Semla

TED Talk recommendation #1


Hi. There is one thing that I really enjoy doing in my free time which I would like to share with you. It is watching inspiring TED talks. It is so easy to watch these short videos and just listen to the people who are usually determined to spread their knowledge and as their presenting… Continue reading TED Talk recommendation #1

Happy New Year


Hello dear readers! Firstly, I would like to wish you a Happy New Year with unforgettable moments and I hope that this year will bring you beautiful memories that you will always remember. It’s another year and it is time for at least some of your dreams to become true. If you dream about studying in… Continue reading Happy New Year

Christmas in the Czech Republic


I hope you all enjoyed Christmas time with your beloved around and in this post, I would like to share some Czech Christmas traditions and customs. I think it is always nice to hear and discover how other nationalities spend Christmas. The part which I am always interested in, is traditional food 😀 So that… Continue reading Christmas in the Czech Republic



Today is Luciadag (Saint Lucy´s Day), which is celebrated every year on 13th of December and  it seems to be a popular event in Sweden. Saint Lucy´s Day is celebrated in many countries but in Scandinavia it is a popular occasion and many public events take place. Sankta Lucia is represented by a girl in… Continue reading Luciadag

Pepparkakshus 2017


What belongs to Christmas more than gingerbreads? Gingerbread houses! Yesterday, I went to ArkDes museum in Stockholm, where is a current exhibition of gingerbread houses of all shapes and decorations made from different edible stuff. It is a competition where children, adults and proffesionals built their gingerbread house and results are just amazing! It was… Continue reading Pepparkakshus 2017