Course: Global Climate Change


Hi, I would like to describe what courses I had at SRUC. First of all, my courses here were quite different from what I study at SLU because business courses here were similar to the ones that I had already taken and there could be problems with overlapping courses eventually. But I think it was… Continue reading Course: Global Climate Change

Castles in Scotland


Hi, I would like to show you which castles I have visited so far. All of them are either in the surrounding of Edinburgh or in Edinburgh. Scotland is famous for its castles and you can find a lot of them, sometimes within just a short distance from each other. It is worth visiting some… Continue reading Castles in Scotland

Cost of living in Edinburgh


Hi, I was thinking that you might be interested in living expenses here in Edinburgh. Accommodation: Surely, accommodation is the most expensive part of living anywhere, but I was surprised that the price of a room here, is very expensive, too. I assumed it might be a lot cheaper than a room in Stockholm or… Continue reading Cost of living in Edinburgh

Edinburgh ZOO


Hi, On Tuesday we had a lecture in Edinburgh ZOO with my course “Action for Biodiversity”. Or probably I should not call it a lecture as it was more like an excursion. One of the employees gave us very nice insights into the lives of animals in the context of biodiversity losses and conservation. It… Continue reading Edinburgh ZOO

Education system at SRUC


Hej hej, I would like to describe how lectures look like here at SRUC and make a comparison with SLU´s approach. I must say that after few weeks here, I realised that studies here are not that demanding in terms of time. In Sweden, we always had to prepare and read something lecture to lecture… Continue reading Education system at SRUC

Resuable cups


Hello, Today I would like to talk about reusable cups. When I came to Edinburgh, I was surprised by how much people here pay attention not to use disposable cups for coffee/tea. On the other hand, to be honest, I was surprised by how no one cares about that at SLU… Coffee consumption in Sweden… Continue reading Resuable cups

Gym facilities in Edinburgh


Hi, As the students of SRUC, we have a perfect opportunity to apply for the gym membership for free. I find this a perfect benefit because it is really good to do some exercise after sitting at the lectures or in the library working on the assignments. Actually, we could apply to two gyms here.… Continue reading Gym facilities in Edinburgh