Requirements after the exchange studies

Even though you have finished your exchange studies, the whole process is not finished yet. There are few things that you have to do.

  • Transcripts of records
  • Credits transfer
  • Write a report
  • Language test
  • Participant report

These are the main things you have to finish once your exchange period is over. Since I have not got any grades by now, I cannot proceed with these steps but to transfer your credits, you need to enclose some documents to prove that you earned the credist abroad. Here you can find more details on how it works. You are also required to write a report about the stay abroad where you can write about the course you have taken, experience with host university and basically whatever you find important to mention. After you finish these steps, you can get the final part of grant money (scholarship).

So, I hope credit transfer will be soon finished and I can focus on my thesis that is awaiting this semester.

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