Back to SLU

So after a semester abroad in Edinbrugh, I am back in Sweden!

Everything felt so new but on the other hand nothing was new at all. It was exciting to go to SLU and finally see other classmates.

Some people went on exchange studies as well, others took distance courses and did not go to SLU either, some had an internship at some company and few stayed at SLU and took courses offered. As a result of this, we basically had no idea what other people were doing so it was so nice to hear how was the last semester for other people.

On 21st of January we had our first seminar where we received information about our Master´s thesis. This semester we are going to work on our thesis mostly individually without any lectures during the semester and hence we needed some guidance at the beginning. I found it useful since it seems that you can never be sure about how to write a thesis and it is always nice to get some more details.

However, it was freezing on our first day, it was minus 13°C and for me it was shocking since I came just the day before we started. So I had to get used to local weather quickly.

I hope you had a nice start of your semester.


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