God Jul / Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of you! 

I hope you are having a great time with your loved ones and have an opportunity to enjoy some quality time wherever you are!

I left Edinburgh and currently I am in the Czech Republic for Christmas and in January, I will go back to Sweden to work on my Master Thesis which I hope will be a smooth process but in any case it is a huge thing for me and I hope it won´t be too stressful. I am excited about that but affraid, too.

If you intend to apply to SLU, you should make it before the deadline on 15th of January. I will keep my fingers crossed and I hope some of the previous articles may help you with the beginnings at SLU. 

But really… now it is not time to think about university duties and application, so have wonderful Christmas time and new year full of success and happiness.

Sending greetings from Prague! Denisa

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