New courses

After completing the course Production Economics, new courses have started. Yes, courses. Currently, we have two courses at the same time, which used to be perfectly normal for me, however, I got used to the Swedish system where you usually attend one course only and after the course finishes, you continue with another one. Therefore, it seems that it is going to be busier this semester as we have a lot of assignments.

The first course is Research Methods (10 credits), which will come into handy during writing our thesis and other projects. We will go through the different methods and techniques for gathering data and make use of our knowledge acquired from different studies and articles. In the course of this subject, we have to submit different assignments and a draft for a research plan.

Another course is called Environmental Risk Management and Assessment (5 credits), where we will examine corporate decision-making process related to incorporation of environmental issues. We will deepen our knowledge about implementation of Environmental Management System and cover aspects of environmental communication. We have to work on assignments and submit final project, too.

I am curious how these courses will be, but I feel that I will find out many useful things and I believe that it will be rewarding for our future aspirations. Of course, we will spend a lot of time with tasks and projects but it is convenient price for valuable knowledge 🙂

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