Buy what you eat, eat what you buy

Buy what you eat, eat what you buy.

How simple, isn´t it?

As I am currently reading a lot of articles about food wasting due to our group project, I realised how massive this issue is. Approximately one-third of food which is meant for human consumption is wasted. One-third! Isn´t is terrifying? In some parts of the world, there are people starving and we throw away so much edible food just because we can afford to do so?

Usually, I am not that kind of person who force people to do something or change someone´s point of view, but in this case, I think that it is so simple to change our consumption behaviour and to (at least partly) contribute to tackle this problem which has negative impacts on the environment. In industrialised countries people buy too much food which is later left to spoil. Food wasting is a complex issue throughout the food supply chain, but in my opinion, you as a part of it, can do something with that – think before you buy!

Now I would like to present you some figures to reveal the truth.

Figure by: European Parliament


And some videos which address this issue may spread the message efficiently that I would.

Video by: European Commission

Video by: FAO

And there are many other videos on Youtube which go even more into detail. And many TED talks which I always find inspiring.


In the next post, I will provide you with some of my tips how to avoid food waste even though the expiry date is reaching.

So since now when you go shopping, think before you buy 🙂

Hejdå, Denisa

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