What is the Circular Economy?

Depending on what you study, you may have probably heard of the concept of Circular Economy. Circular Economy criticises the traditional linear production system and highlights the core activities like reducing, reusing and recycling as the main principles. The main aim of Circular Economy is to use products and materials as long as possible so that the maximum value can be obtained from the extracted material. Below, you can find a video where all basic details are mentioned and I believe it will help you to get a better overview.

The video was published by Ellen MacArthur Foundation. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation works to build a framework for an economy that is restorative and regenerative by design and on their website you can find a lot more information about Circular Economy. I can truly recommend visiting the website if you are interested in this concept.

The Nordic Market for Circular Economy 2019 is a report, published by SB Insight, that contains a complete mapping of the maturity of circular behaviour and business models in the Nordics. The report provides comprehensive insights, including market developments, trends, expert interviews and and consumer behaviour around a circular economy. I participated a presentation where this report was presented for the first time and I found information provided very helpful and interesting since I could perceive a lack of knowledge about consumer behaviour related to circular economy. This report could be helpful for you too.

I believe we need to implement circular economy more in our society and as it was found out in the report, consumers are not aware of the meaning of circular economy to a great extent therefore it is good to raise awareness about this important concept.

Have your heard of circular economy before?

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