Looking for a job in Sweden

You may wonder how it is to study in Sweden. How busy it is, whether it is possible to have a job besides the studies and so on. So this article may help you find the answers.

As a student on a SLU programme, you are enrolled in full-time studies, which means that there is not much time for jobs, especially full-time jobs is not possible to manage at the same time with studies.

“Finding and getting a part-time job in Sweden can be quite difficult. Many students are looking for part-time jobs, which means that the demand exceeds the supply. Most employers also require Swedish language skills. With this in mind, it is not recommended to try to finance your stay in Sweden by working. Make sure you can cover your living expenses using other resources.” This is stated on SLU´s websites and I have to agree with everything in the statement. After more than one and half years in Sweden, I realised it is not easy to find a part-time job (whichever job, not within the field of study). Either no one responds to your application or one of the requirements is Swedish language.

It is really time-consuming process to find a job meaning it is possible, however, you may need some luck too. I know some international students who work at the same time with studies and sometimes it is really challenging when you have to meet the deadlines and work on assignments.

I think it is worth trying to look for a part-time job but do not expect to find something immediately after you arrive. Take your time, settle down, get know how everything works and then you will see how busy you are just with the studies. For me it was really busy, especially considering commuting from Stockholm to Uppsala, which took me a lot of time.

Good luck if you apply anywhere 🙂

Have a nice day, Denisa

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