Writing and language support

SLU´s Library offers writing and language support for the students! There are many ways the staff in the library will help you.

The Centre for Academic Language provides support for students preparing a written or oral presentation, in Swedish or English.  They can help you with a work plan, language and style, structure, abstract technique, study technique and so on. You can ask a short question on drop-in hours (Uppsala: Wednesdays 13-15, computer room 2 at the SLU University Library). If you want to discuss something more into detail, you can ask for an appointment and you have to describe what kind of help you need and then meet a tutor at one-to-one session.

I have not used this opportunity, however, I think it is perfect if you struggle with assignments or anything else. It is really easy to ask for the advice and all librarians I had met, were always helpful and nice so I am sure they will be pleased to help you.

I recommend visiting SLU´s library websites where you can find many useful things. For example, how to correctly reference, how to search for sources, required components of paper and lot more.

I hope this article helped you and you will use this perfect opportunity that library provides 🙂

Bye, Denisa

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