Course: Management Skills and Entrepreneurship


I would like to describe what courses I had at SRUC. I had already descibed the courses that I took here, so you can check previous articles if you want to see more.

The last course that I took at SRUC was Management Skills and Entrepreneurship. In this course, we discussed the motivation of employees, innovative process and opportunities, leadership, teamwork, idea generation, financing of businesses. We covered some important theories related to motivation, innovation or industry research. We were supposed to visit a Buffalo Farm with this course which I was very happy about because  I think it is the best how to get valuable insight into real-life business and see the people behind it, but unfortunately the trip was cancelled and we had an external lecture instead which was great but I believe that the farm would be much better experience. I think this course could have been really interesting, however, the lecturer was not really involving students into discussions and did not tell us many examples of real business which made everything more boring.

We were divided into groups to work on the business plan for our own idea. Within the group, we had to come up with the business idea and work on the plan spanning from the introduction of the product, through financing plan and market research to the future development of the product. We had to give a presentation with the group and present our product. Overal, this business plan comprised of 50% of the grade and the rest was the final exam where we were given 4 topics/questions and had to choose 2 out of them and write an essay. We had one hour and a half to finish both questions.

It is highly possible that this was my last exam ever at the university, because during the next semester, I will work on my Master thesis and during that time we have no courses scheduled. That is kind of relieving feeling but on the other hand, it is strange to see that my studies are coming to an end. Anyway, I am glad that we finished our exams before Christmas and I can think about the topic for the thesis.

Have a wonderful Christmas time,


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