My courses


Hello, Soon I will write more about my courses at SRUC in Edinburgh but shortly I will introduce you my schedule for this semester. The main difference, compared to SLU, is that I have four courses simultaneously, which is not usual at SLU, and it requires additional effort to focus on various topics. However, so… Continue reading My courses



Hello, in this post, I will write a few things about my university for the autumn semester. SRUC is an abbreviation for Scotland´s Rural College and it was founded in 2012 by merging 4 different colleges. At this time, SRUC has 6 campuses in different locations in Scotland and it focuses on agriculture and land-based education. SRUC… Continue reading SRUC

Life in Edinburgh


Hello, today I would like to show you how Edinburgh looks lie and some basic information about the city itself. Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland and it is Scotland´s second most populous city (the first one is Glasgow). It has approximately half a million inhabitants. The city is not that large so that it… Continue reading Life in Edinburgh

Exchange studies


Hi, from the previous post, you could find out that for this autumn semester I am in Edinburgh and not at SLU. I would like to tell you a few words about what has to be done to apply for exchange studies. First of all, it is easy and you can always ask the SLU… Continue reading Exchange studies

New beginnings


Hello, If you are a new student at SLU, I believe you can find useful information in some of the older articles, so check the archive. Last summer it was the first year at SLU for me, which means that I struggled with some stuff that you will probably have to deal with, too. For… Continue reading New beginnings

Welcome back


Hello and welcome back after a summer break! I hope you all had a wonderful summertime and now you feel ready to start a new semester, however, I doubt that anyone can be ready for studying again after long break 😀 This summer in Sweden was exceptionally hot with a lot of forest fires in… Continue reading Welcome back