Trip to Tyresta National Park

Hej hej.

Summer days are coming and therefore I would like to recommend you a place to visit – Tyresta National Park. Tyresta National Park is just around 20 km south of Stockholm and can be easily reached by SL traffic. It was established in 1993 and includes 2000 hectares of beautiful landscape where you can enjoy many walking trails and countless views on lakes surrounded by forest.

In 1999, there was an extensive forest fire which changed the appearance of large part of the National Park. You can find fallen trees there and even though the fire had been many years ago, you can still perceive that it takes so much time for the forest to renew itself. However, it is interesting to see the difference between this scene of forest fire and unspoilt forest nearby.

When I was there, I walked a trail of around 13 km and you can ask in visitor centre for a suitable trail recommendation based on your preferences and time availability. I think it is convenient to have as much time as possible since it is always better not to be in a rush and thus you can sit somewhere and enjoy this peaceful national park. I loved the area around Långsjön where you can see the lake (= sjön) from every corner and some beautiful small islands on the lake, too. And of course, I think it is interesting to compare the area which was affected by the fire in 1999 with the unspoilt wildlife in other parts of Tyresta.

I was pleased with unspoilt nature in the park and I must admit that I did not see any rubbish thrown away in the forest despite the lack of rubbish bins. Wildlife there is protected, and it is not allowed to damage the vegetation and even break branches of fallen trees. In case you want to oversleep there or do a barbeque, you have to do it at marked places only.

I can highly recommend going there and enjoying the calmness and unspoilt nature.


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