How to survive winter in Sweden

Hi !

Today I prepared, hopefully, a useful list of ways how to survive cold in Sweden, or elsewhere.

Here are my tips what I do to overcome cold months:

  1. Hot tea/coffee
    • This is essential for me! I always have something warm to drink in my backpack. Usually, it is a tea of which I drink all the time during cold months.
  2. Wear extra layer of cloths
    • No matter what kind of layer, but for me it is a must do 😀
  3. Be active
    • even though it is not easy to push yourself sometimes, it is nice to go for a walk even when it is freezing as you get warm very fast
  4. Cook a soup
    • Eating soup is perfect anytime, but in winter it is really good way how to get warm quickly
  5. Think about past summer
    • It may sound odd, but it really helps me 😀 When I have to wait for a bus, for example, and it is really cold outside so that I shiver, I try to recall some nice moments of summer rather than thinking about how damn cold it is

In case you will be commuting from Stockholm to Uppsala during your studies, be prepared for some train delayes. It is kind of usual in winter, as far as I have experienced 😀

If you have any other useful tips on how to stay warm in winter, I will welcome any recommendations 🙂

But I have to admit that I was a bit affraid of winter in Sweden before I came here, however, it is not that cold. Of course, for few days the temperature was around -10°C and even less but mostly it was not that severe.

Hejdå Denisa

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