TED Talk recommendation #1


There is one thing that I really enjoy doing in my free time which I would like to share with you. It is watching inspiring TED talks. It is so easy to watch these short videos and just listen to the people who are usually determined to spread their knowledge and as their presenting skills are perfect, I find it as a suitable form of abreaction.

I will share some of my favourite ones in upcoming weeks/months, so I hope you will enjoy them, too.

The first one which I decided to share is the one I have seen a long time ago, however, I still really like the message it shares.

Source: YouTube

Why I like this TED Talk specifically? I try to do a lot in order to mitigate my negative impacts on the environment and even in different areas and I don´t like when people say they alone cannot influence something. Even small steps are better that no effort. Therefore, this video could be more useful for those of you who have not done so much so far because now you may see that even with small changes in your habits, you can contribute to more sustainable future.

I hope you enjoy watching this TED Talk

Have a nice day,


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