Campus Ultuna #2

Hi !

I will devote this last November post to our beloved campus as it has been few weeks already since I promised to show you SLU campus even from inside. Previously, I showed you which buildings can be found at SLU Ultuna campus and today we will have a look into them. However, I realised that I have so many pictures which are essential for making an overall picture that I will begin with Ulls hus (where many things, I want to show you, are) and next time I will cover other buildings as well. Anyway, Ulls hus became my favourite place and I suppose that many other students feel the same as it is the newest and nicest building in our campus. As you step in, you can see that everything is new, modern and with nice furniture. Ulls hus is centre for many things. You can find service centre, IT support, offices of teachers, lecture halls, shop with café, kitchens and table tennis. Yes, we have table tennis. Moreover, there are rackets and table tennis balls available thus you can play whenever you want to (unless it is not occupied by others). Ulls hus is divided into two buildings which are separated, and you have to go out to enter another one.


With my second subject (Production Economics), we always have lectures in different room and luckily, they often take place in Ulls hus. However, some of the lecture rooms are not very suitable for anything else than for lectures where a presentation is projected as white boards with written text cannot be perfectly visible from everywhere.

At the service center you can get a help or any information. People there are willing to answer your questions and they have a perfect overview about everything what students need to know. They can print out you a certificate of registration and provide you with other useful advice. IT support is a part of service centre and in the beginning of your studies, you will probably meet them as they help students with logging in into university site.

In each building, you can find many group rooms which are intended for students to have a proper space when dealing with group projects or assignments. I think it is perfect as you are not disturbed by noise and you can  fully focus on your task. Group rooms are usually equipped with white board thus you can work even more efficiently.

Important part of Ulls hus is Amigo shop where you can buy hot beverages, candies, salad for lunch, sandwiches, kanelbullar and even notebooks and other useful things. During the breaks it may be really crowded as everybody is eager to drink coffee.

Kitchens are necessary part of each building. Even though they are equipped with many microwaves, it may happen that you have to wait in queue for a while when you want to heat up your lunch as it is pretty normal in Sweden that students bring their own lunch boxes to school. Afterwards you can enjoy your food at any table with a nice view.


And other places which I suppose that are worth showing!


And Christmas one!

So, it was a lot of pictures 😀

I am wondering what kind of articles would you like to see here. Would you prefer articles with less pictures and with more text instead?

I just do what I was missing when intended applying to SLU. I tried to find some pictures of campus, but only very few of them were available. On the other hand, it was a pleasant surprise for me when I entered campus for the first time (in that case, sorry for spoiling :D). However, I believe that it is important to show all parts of my student life here and as you can see, it is not only about studying and sitting in a library. I try to enjoy it here to full hence I plan trip and other activities. Anyway, I am willing to adjust the content if you are looking for any specific articles 🙂

See you in December !


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