Trip to Copenhagen

Hej hej,

During the weekend I did a trip to Copenhagen. To be frank, I skipped two lectures due to our flight on Thursday, but I believe that it will not cause any problems and I know that I am not the only one who does so. Moreover, now I feel more relaxed and ready to continue.

It was my third time in Copenhagen actually so I did not visited all those typical monuments but what the trip it would be without visiting Nyhavn? In Nyhavn, which is a canal with brightly coloured houses, I usually get that right feeling of being in Copenhagen. Mostly, I try to avoid those touristy places and prefer some hidden gems which are often even more interesting. However, I had to visit some touristy places as well.

If you have never been to Copenhagen, I suppose that it is suitable trip to take when studying at SLU as flight tickets are quite affordable. Following pictures may show you that this city is worth visiting 🙂

View from Vor Frelsers Kirke
Axel towers
Botanical Garden
Gemini Residence

The Circle Bridge

On one day we made a trip also to Malmö and Lund which I am going to show you in other posts.

Have a nice day .


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