Environmental and Social Responsibility Marketing #2

Hej hej,

My first subject in Sweden is over! It is unbelievable that it has already happened and time has flown away so fast. Anyway, I would like to summarise a bit how Environmental and Social Responsibility Marketing subject was.

I wrote several things about this subject here few weeks ago, so in case you have not seen this one, maybe it could help you to get a better overview. And what happened since that article?

At the end of September, we had to take an exam, which is more described here, and I passed, so another part which was needed to successfully pass the subject was fulfilled.

I suppose I should mention how grading system looks like. So, final grade consists of smaller tasks

  • 25 % analytical assignments and our activity during seminars
  • 25 % written examination
  • 50 % group project

In the first part of the course, we had to write four analytical assignments which reflected our thoughts about articles related to marketing topic and it gave us a different point of view than course´s textbook. This was something new for me but I find it very rewarding as you have to pay attention to reading academic articles and then summarise it in your reflection and furthermore, add your ideas and opinions.

Written examination was focused on a comprehensive understanding of terms and principles used during the course.

In the second part of the course, we were working on the group project. We formed groups of 2-4 people and firstly, we had to choose our topic and then write an abstract. We submitted a first draft of the project, had supervision with the lecturer and everytime some feedback was provided, hence, we had an opportunity to change it accordingly. Part of the group project was also giving a presentation and opponent session where we discussed inconsistencies with another group and provided them with feedback and the other way round. Overall, I found the whole process of doing the group project as very valuable, because I realised that sometimes it is not so easy to agree on something and compromises have to be done, however, I have learnt so much from that.

As it was my first subject here, I am not able to compare it. But anyway, I learnt so many things, wrote many pages, read interesting articles and thoughts and broaden my perspective on sustainable topics. In few weeks, I will be able to make some comparison because I take Production Economics course now.

If you have any questions about this subject, feel free to ask me 🙂

I hope you had pleasant first November weekend!

Bye, Denisa

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