Campus Ultuna #2


Hi ! I will devote this last November post to our beloved campus as it has been few weeks already since I promised to show you SLU campus even from inside. Previously, I showed you which buildings can be found at SLU Ultuna campus and today we will have a look into them. However, I… Continue reading Campus Ultuna #2

Trip to Lund


Hej hej ! I hope you all had a nice weekend and today I bring another article related to travelling as iln the beginning of November I was in Copenhagen and I decided to explore not only Copenhagen but also adjacent cities Malmö and Lund. Now it is time to show the beauties of Lund.… Continue reading Trip to Lund

Snow !


First snow of this winter has already come! On Sunday 19th of November it started to snow and in the morning next day everything was covered in snow, which was really nice. In the Czech Republic we have snow every winter (and not only in the mountains), so it was not first snow for me… Continue reading Snow !

Ultuna Näringslivsdag


Hej hej, here I bring some information how Career Fair looked like. On 15th of November there was a Career afternoon (Ultuna Näringslivsdag) organised by the Student union which means that some companies came to SLU and students could come to their stalls and ask for job/internship opportunities and lot more. I know something similar… Continue reading Ultuna Näringslivsdag

Trip to Malmö


Hello everybody. Within our trip to Copenhagen we did a trip to Malmö as well. Malmö is in close proximity to Copenhagen and we took the train from Copenhagen which took us there in approximately 40 minutes. Malmö is the third largest city in Sweden with population of around 300 000. First things we wanted… Continue reading Trip to Malmö

Trip to Copenhagen


Hej hej, During the weekend I did a trip to Copenhagen. To be frank, I skipped two lectures due to our flight on Thursday, but I believe that it will not cause any problems and I know that I am not the only one who does so. Moreover, now I feel more relaxed and ready… Continue reading Trip to Copenhagen