My first exam in Sweden


I would like to share with you my first experience with an exam here at SLU.

Yesterday, I had to take the exam from the course Environmental and Social Responsibility Marketing. Although we are in the middle of the course, we had the exam from the knowledge acquired during the lectures in September. In October, we have no lectures, only external lectures, supervision and some other things, as we work on our group projects. We do not have the results yet, but I feel quite calm and satisfied with what I have written in my test.

And how the exam looked like?

  • We recieved a student code/number which we had to use instead of our name and write it down in the test to ensure that the tests will be evaluated equally and the teacher will stay unbiased
  • Two people controlled us during the exam and our lecturer came to the class just for case if somebody wanted to ask some additional information related to the exam
  • The seating order was made according to the student code we recieved and we had many spare seats next to each other
  • All our personal belongings had to be placed in front of the classroom and we could leave only a pen, a bottle of water, some food and stuff like this on the table
  • We had almost 3 hours to write our aswers and finish the test (my hand really hurt afterwards :D)

To sum up what surprised me, I cannot imagine cheating during the exam and moreover, I find it impossible as the controllers are still paying attention on the order in the class. But I find this system more suitable because it is based on what you really know and not how can you cheat. I will see how other exams look like, but so far, I find it appropriate.

And what is a good thing about the exams?

You have to celebrate it. With food, preferably in my case.

So, at first we went to Stockholm nations´ cafe and had nice “after-exam-fika”. I can truly recommend you everything you see in the picture and I think even everything they offer. Delicious.

And then in the evening, we met with other fellowstudents (unfortunately not all of us) to celebrate this first milestone together. It was so nice to spend some time together and I really enjoyed it. I assume that I was really lucky to have such nice new friends!

Hejdå !



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