Who am I?

Hej allihopa !

Now it is the right time to introduce myself.

My name is Denisa and I come from the Czech Republic from beautiful Prague.

This blog “thing” is something totally new for me but I find it very convenient as the source of inspiration for the others and as a form of advice to prospective students. Even I had spent a lot of time searching for some information and tips on blogs and other websites before I came here for studies.

And why have I decided to go to Sweden? I have always wanted to experience living somewhere abroad, find out how different education system looks like and simply become the part of another city. These wants came true few weeks ago as I moved to Sweden in pursuit of a Master degree.

And what is another positive thing about it all? I moved here with my boyfriend who started his studies, as well. We are together four and half year and it would not be easy at all to be separated. So maybe, for some of you, it will be interesting to see how it is for us. So far, I have to admit that I can see only positive aspects.

Another thing, which you can find intriguing, is that I do not live in Uppsala (it would be too easy to get to school, wouldn´t it? :D) but I commute from Stockholm where me and my boyfriend live. My boyfriend, Janek, studies at Stockholm University and we had to decide in which city we want to live. And obviously, Stockholm won.

So I believe that this blog will provide you with different perspective of student life at SLU.

I wanted to study in Sweden as I consider it very advanced in some areas, especially environment related topics. Back in the Czech Republic, I studied Finance and Taxation where I had no possibility to self-realize myself. As I imagined that my prospective career is based on sitting on the computer in the office, I had to do something to avoid the future like that. I realise the impacts of our unsustainable consumption behaviour on the environment and I would like to contribute somehow to change it. Therefore, I decided for the Environmental economics and management Master´s program.

Back to describing myself. I really enjoy everything related to food. By that I do not mean only cooking but also exploring new places to eat, trying news on the market and usually the best gift I can get is, surprisingly, food. Now it sounds really weird, but it is really like that.

Apart from food, I enjoy doing sports (not only because I need to offset the income from food, I also love it).

I love animals and one of our relaxing activities with my boyfriend is watching funny, cute animal videos.

So since now, I am supposed to write some articles about my student life in Uppsala & Stockholm and hopefully, you will like it.




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