My first exam in Sweden


Hello, I would like to share with you my first experience with an exam here at SLU. Yesterday, I had to take the exam from the course Environmental and Social Responsibility Marketing. Although we are in the middle of the course, we had the exam from the knowledge acquired during the lectures in September. In… Continue reading My first exam in Sweden

Trip to Gamla Uppsala


Hello, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and in this post I would like to share my recommendation for a trip. If you are looking for a trip in Uppsala surroundings, you should go to Gamla Uppsala. It will take you less than 20 minutes on the bike to get there from the centre… Continue reading Trip to Gamla Uppsala

SLU Campus #1


Hej ! In this article, I will show you how SLU Campus in Uppsala looks like. For this time, we will stay outside the buildings as I prepared pictures of outdoor areas and soon you can look forward to the article showing interior. SLU Campus is located south of the city Uppsala and campus itself… Continue reading SLU Campus #1

Who am I?


Hej allihopa ! Now it is the right time to introduce myself. My name is Denisa and I come from the Czech Republic from beautiful Prague. This blog “thing” is something totally new for me but I find it very convenient as the source of inspiration for the others and as a form of advice… Continue reading Who am I?



Hey, I would like to welcome you here to my new blog about my Master´s studies at SLU in Uppsala, Sweden ! I am a student of Environmental Economics and Management program (with Business Administration study track) and I started whole new life just two weeks ago. So you have a unique opportunity to see… Continue reading Welcome