Week 6: Facilitation


A big chunk of environmental communication work involves facilitating meetings around environmental questions. Facilitation in this context is similar to moderating a meeting — making sure it’s on track and in good conditions, basically. Of course, what that means is in the end highly subjective and liable to depend on the facilitator(s). (For better or… Continue reading Week 6: Facilitation

Trust in the programme


I have shared a couple of rants already about the importance of trust in resolving our current climate challenges. Without trust in our fellow people, co-operation and action for the greater good is basically doomed, unless it magically serves everybody’s individual interests. You would not act in favour of somebody else if you did not… Continue reading Trust in the programme

Film week


In the fifth week, we dove deep into visual communication about the environment, practically, by making our own short videos. Each group was assigned a different genre — from disaster movies to action-packed detective drama, vlogs, and I think even a soap — and we concluded with a big screening with popcorn and, of course,… Continue reading Film week

Big take-home message from w 3-4


Weeks 3 and 4 consisted of lectures and seminars, feeding us material and perspectives for our end-of-course essay. Although some lectures have been fantastic (especially from honorary guests Susan Senecah and Hans Peter Hansen), they have not exactly inspired me to blog, and I want to save writing about my extracurricular activities for a later… Continue reading Big take-home message from w 3-4

Group learning


A central part of our own contribution to the course, as students, revolves around making our own connections between information, situations or phenomena and particular theories we come across in the lectures and reading material. Why? Well, our brains cannot actually learn anything without making connections between new information and something we already know. Repetition… Continue reading Group learning

Perspective. Perspective. Perspective.


We spent a big chunk of the first and second weeks on group projects to present different perspectives on the environmental issues we face. They ranged from bizarre, obsolete opinions that overpopulation is the #1 problem we’re facing and that women somehow are to blame, to cynical, fear-based game theory predictions that people will mostly… Continue reading Perspective. Perspective. Perspective.

Week 1: What is EC?


The opening week of the introductory module to Environmental Communication gave us a fresh taste of this vast topic. In a way, I believe this was to help us explain to our friends what is environmental communication?? What even is it that we’re studying? Do… we… communicate about the environment? All cards on the table,… Continue reading Week 1: What is EC?

Introduction to… me!


Well, I’m both challenged and excited. My excitement is that I get to write regularly again, something I have missed dearly, and to share my journey with you. My challenge is to capture the rich experience that awaits me on this course — not just academic experience, but social and emotional — and translate this… Continue reading Introduction to… me!