Fridays for future


Last Friday there was a climate strike also here in Uppsala. I went to the city center when the protest was almost finished. Some friends who study Sustainable Development were there too. We went to have a Semla (a traditional bun with cream) to a café afterwards, and discussed our thesis work and about what… Continue reading Fridays for future



Snowball sampling – I read this term in a paper (see below) and it catched my attention. I think it describes well how my work “finding interviewees” has been so far: from one person to another. It all started with one email forwarded to all students from a researcher in the Environmental Communication division, which… Continue reading “Snowballing”

Working during your studies?


Bearing in mind that ECM lasts two years, it is likely that you, future student, may consider this posssiblity. In my opinion, it is recommendable that you come to Uppsala with enough money to cover your first year of studies full time, at least. Finding a summer job here or back home can be safe… Continue reading Working during your studies?

Did we have an impact? Maybe…


A classmate who participated in the group project we did for the Conflict, democracy and facilitation course is now in Berlin as an Erasmus student. She is doing her assignment on risk management, and she will be focusing on, as she called him: “our old friend” Habermas, and communicative rationality. Because our group field research… Continue reading Did we have an impact? Maybe…

Winter wonderland


When I first heard the word “Samis” was on a lecture in the introductory course. Although I had heard the word “Lapones” (Samis in Spanish), I mainly heard about this term in the sentence “En Laponia hace frío” meaning “In Lapland, it is cold”. Now, thanks to the courses and being here, I got to… Continue reading Winter wonderland