What’s a communication strategy?


After spending time with the reading group preparing a presentation for the class on  “Community-based social marketing” (Mckenzie, 2009), presenting a synthesis of the main messages and attending to the other group presentations on different strategies, I could say that my knowledge has expanded quite a lot. There are communication strategies suitable for different purposes,… Continue reading What’s a communication strategy?



Since the beginning of the semester we all have been looking forward to Valborg, the last day of April which represents the beginning of the spring. Many people have visited Uppsala these last few days, and gathered by the river to watch uniquely decorated boats and crew sailing down the river, sometimes even sinking!  To… Continue reading Valborg

For admitted students in 2018


Hello to you all! I’ve received a few messages from people who are a bit lost, and here are the answers I can provide: Timing: The academic year generally starts late in August and ends by May. Practical matters: Go to the course web, click course schedule and select the previous year (2017/2018). I recommend you… Continue reading For admitted students in 2018

Påske time!


Uppsala’s streets look much more cheerful these days: there are colorful feathers decorating some trees, people sit outside on the terraces, the snow is melting and it is mostly sunny! Although we have to do some reading for the next seminar, there is some time now for thinking about a masters thesis topic and applying… Continue reading Påske time!

The fourth course is already here!


We just started a new course: Communication Theory and Strategy. The main course book is: Craig, R. T. & Muller, H. L. 2007. Theorizing Communication: Readings Across Traditions. Sage Publications. This book goes through communication traditions, and each chapter covers one. The course aims to introduce classical communication theories, such as the rethorical tradition, and to… Continue reading The fourth course is already here!

Information meeting


Hej Hej! Today we had a meeting with director of studies for your programme and with the responsibles for the internship course. We had the opportunity to ask questions regarding the terms and conditions of the internship. This can take place from June although the course is programmed for September, and it should be arranged… Continue reading Information meeting

Group presentations – Working together is not that simple!


Hello again! Today and yesterday, all groups presented their work to the class. We all seemed to be enthusiastic and keen on showing our final work. Each presentation took around 45 minutes, plus discussion and responding questions from the opponent group. Although the group project was not graded, and just evaluated with “Pass or Fail”, I… Continue reading Group presentations – Working together is not that simple!

Theoretical vs. Theories


In today’s post, I would like to point out something we talked about in my group while writing the report, and this was the difference from our home countries educational experiences and the education system experienced here in Sweden. My international group mates and I, originally from England, Italy, and Spain, noticed that when we… Continue reading Theoretical vs. Theories

Daily group meetings


Hello there, This week time has passed fast. We met up every day in Uppsala city, and working together we’ve had a lot of fun. Of course, our group meetings weren’t just about chatting and drinking Italian coffee. We also started working on the interview results, brainstorming what theories and concepts could suit better its… Continue reading Daily group meetings