My internship!


How did I get my internship? Well, I started by writing a spontaneous application by email to the company, with a cover letter and my CV. In the email, I expressed my interest and wrote that “In the Environmental Communication and Management masters degree, there is a possibility of doing an internship for at least 5 weeks, in… Continue reading My internship!

ECM Interns 2018


More examples of where students did their internships: Intern 3.  At a public sector cooperation for sustainable transport, Greener Trondheim, as well as in the general climate strategy of Trondheim municipality. What is your task?: Working closely with a group of travel advisors – “My internship is very open, and I am building my own… Continue reading ECM Interns 2018

Welcoming weeks 2018


I signed up last year to help out and welcome new students during the first weeks. Last Saturday, I attended a first short meeting about the welcoming weeks and planned activities we could help out with. Activities are organized by the Student Union ( Ultuna Studentkår ) and the Masters Committee. Activities and events are… Continue reading Welcoming weeks 2018

Lovely Déjà vu


Sunny as it was, coming back to Uppsala for the second year felt like a “Déjà vu”, a term which is used for when someone experiences that they’ve lived something before, although they haven’t. I suppose I pictured Uppsala in my head like a distant and dream-place during summer. So now, repeating the way to… Continue reading Lovely Déjà vu

The last weeks!!! :O


It is time to… Home Exammmssss!! Yeah, not just one, but two! YEYYY :’D. The weather is being fantastic these days, tempting all of us to avoid our computers and visit the lake for a swim. A short swim, I suppose, because water must be freezing. Still, it is very tempting. Home exams are good anyways…… Continue reading The last weeks!!! :O

Reflecting on EC projects


The process of carrying out our new project is quite similar from the ones we did before, which makes the process smooth and organized because we all know that we need to contact interviewees in advance, coordinate with other groups, book a meeting time, carry out the interview and then analyze their answers to our… Continue reading Reflecting on EC projects

Visiting Biotopia


Yesterday we went to Biotopia, an educational center focused on raising interest for species and promoting visits to nature areas in the region. The place is quite well located within the city, and they were open to the general public, school visits and… us! What I take with me from the visit is seeing the… Continue reading Visiting Biotopia