How to start a Master Thesis?


Taking on step at a time: Most of my classmates are taking  The Process of Research: Qualitative Methods, Data Analysis and Academic Writing course, which prepares students to write our master thesis. This is because we need “Methods credits” for writing the thesis, thus for completing our degree. I’m not taking this course because I already got methods… Continue reading How to start a Master Thesis?

Sharing our internship experiences


The other day, some of us taking the internship course shared a presentation of our internship experience with the course leader and other classmates.  As I may have mentioned before, what counts for the internship grade is not how well we perform in our intern role. Instead, what counts is how well we are able to apply… Continue reading Sharing our internship experiences

The world is too small


A few days ago I got to meet a student of MSc Environmental Governance programme (MEG), a two-year master which is offered in Freiburg (Germany). She read this blog by the end of the first year and wrote me to know more about the program, considering the possibility to either switch or to do her second… Continue reading The world is too small

Master Thesis Supervisor – IT IS A MATCH!


Yep. That’s how it works in this program. Instead of we (students) having to go around contacting researchers who work in areas we are interested in, what happened was that we were asked to submit our ideas in a “matching template”, specifying stuff like Research question, Aim, Empirical context, Theoretical approach… Then, the filled template was “processed”… Continue reading Master Thesis Supervisor – IT IS A MATCH!

Concluding the internship


Although short, during an internship you learn a lot: how to make a plan, how to approach your supervisor, dealing with steering your work, finding information, knowing who knows what, arranging meetings and going through meetings effectively. I think the experience is also valuable in terms of seeing what’s out in the “real world”: how an organization… Continue reading Concluding the internship

Internship update


Hello again! Some friends came to visit me this month. When they left, my sadness did not last long because one of them missed a flight, so I had her over a bit longer <3. What can I say, there is an upside for everything. So… if you choose to fly, just as a reminder:… Continue reading Internship update

Autumn, leaves change


Hii! Today I want to bring up that the second year is different than the first in several ways. My internship office is close to SLU, and the experience being so close to university while not being in class felt weird at first. Honestly, I could see through the window people attending to class… and I… Continue reading Autumn, leaves change