Group facilitations

This week was all about performing our facilitation sessions that we had been preparing.

Three discussions in class were facilitated, each with a different group focusing on a different theoretical frame, as presented during the previous week.

There was a consensus-seeking frame on a discussion about public transport in Uppsala, and what could be done to improve the services to make it a more attractive option than e.g. taking the car.

The next group facilitated a discussion of rewilding: restoring the function, integrity and sovereignty of an ecosystem or habitat by re-introducing key species that used to live there, usually killed or driven off by humans. Is this a good thing? Is it meaningful? What are some challenges with it? Can it even be done fully? Is it realistic? Their agonistic frame focused on eliciting different views and opinions, so that we could all learn from each other’s perspectives and background information.

Our group addressed the Swedish system for regulating alcohol consumption: a single company with monopoly on retail of alcohol stronger than folk beer, with restricted opening hours and a ban on profit-driven marketing. Our ‘radical frame’ aims to balance out unequal power asymmetries, by emphasising marginalised views and giving the weaker standpoints more weight.

This might have been our most intense week so far. Heavy preparations, active facilitation and engaging discussions meant a lot of highly active thinking throughout the entire span of four days. I think we are all having a nap all of Friday —

… until we celebrate with a big potluck party in the evening!!!

This was our last formal session for this introductory module. Next are two weeks on which to work on our home exams.

I believe this lends itself naturally to write more about student life and extra-curricular activities in Uppsala in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

By seen0001

My name is Sebastian, but I’ve been called many nicknames under the sun: Seb, Sebbe, Sebban, Sebbi, Sebbzor, Seabass, Bob, Harry Potter, Spiderman, “The Man. The Myth. The Legend.” I am in many ways a practical optimist, an entertainer, and a solid friend. My current mission is to help the next generation live even better lives than we have. How I strive for this will evolve with time, and certainly with this course! I am interested in pretty much everything that has to do with life — life on this planet, it’s evolution, and the lives of people, in history and here and now — and the culmination is my endless strive to live life fully.

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