Internship update

Hello again!

Some friends came to visit me this month. When they left, my sadness did not last long because one of them missed a flight, so I had her over a bit longer <3. What can I say, there is an upside for everything. So… if you choose to fly, just as a reminder: Arlanda is the closest airport!.

Moving back to the internship, the tasks I am doing in the internship are not related to the internship evaluation. Instead, in order to get the credits, I am writing a Logbook (like a journal) and doing some readings of the recommended literature, such as “Nicolini, D. (2012) Practice Theory, Work, & Organization” book. Readings are about symbolic interaction, social psychology, participation or social learning… although we already have been introduced to some of the topics last year.

The literature is meant to help us to see how the organization works, and we are expected to write a report and present our experience by the end of the course.

This is all for today!


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