Where do students do their internship? ECM Interns 2018

If you are wondering “Where do people do their internship?”, this is your post 🙂

The internship is optional, and so it is the place we do it. Some of my classmates are doing the internship in Biotopia (Uppsala), WWF Sweden and UNDP Sweden (Stockholm). A more detailed description from other interns can be found below:

Intern 1.  At the Nordic Swan Ecolabel (Svanen), in the marketing and communication department.

What is your task?:  Very varied tasks, such as writing a blog post about how the Nordic Swan Ecolabel works with the global goals, social media (texts to Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin), text to an ad, and some content on their new webpage.

Why did you choose that place?: ” I chose to do my internship at the Nordic Swan Ecolabel because I want to work at a similar place after my graduation. Therefore, I wanted to get a better understanding of how it can be in practice. Furthermore, their ambition to inspire people to a sustainable lifestyle is something that is very appealing to me.”

Intern 2.  At a US-based Asset Management Firm – London and Stockholm offices

What is your task?: Internal Research and Communication strategy for Employee Engagement, CSR and Facilities Management.

Why did you choose that place?:
” Because corporate social responsibility (CSR) and responsible investing is a growing and interesting field and I wanted to learn more about how environmental issues are discussed within the global financial industry. These are important avenues for environmental advocacy and decision making (with regard to investment decisions) and I think it is a good opportunity to gain some understanding of how environmental issues are understood and appreciated by traditionally unrelated industries.

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