Reflecting on EC projects

The process of carrying out our new project is quite similar from the ones we did before, which makes the process smooth and organized because we all know that we need to contact interviewees in advance, coordinate with other groups, book a meeting time, carry out the interview and then analyze their answers to our questions applying theories. In this project, we all applied three theoretical frameworks: the mentor perspective, which allowed us to consider the lessons which could be learned for future projects, the meta-theory perspective, which looks at engagement and highlights the discourses and assumptions shown by different actors, and the critical perspective, which has allowed us to look more closely at different theoretical perspectives in social science and how these may apply to the data.

However, I must say that the process of carrying out another of these projects is as engaging as it was the first time. In my view, having the opportunity to meet up with professionals is just unique and valuable in many ways:

  • First, interviewees are generally open to talk and willing to help you because you are a student, thus almost anything they say comes with years of experience and goodwill, which is great to listen to.
  • Second, how many times would you have the opportunity to be curious and freely ask questions that come up when the interviewee is talking about the challenges they face? and, what a better excuse to ask than “having to” because it is the topic you are doing research on?
  • And third, the interview is a memory that you create together with your groupmates, and the act of questioning and finding answers, even if little, may also have an impact on the interviewee.

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