Exploring Gotland


When the ferry dropped us at the harbor, the picture of Gotland as summer destination took the form of a snowy charming town. Some classmates were already waiting to drive us to the cabins, but most of us walked through the town for a while and enjoyed the views. After settling in, we had a common meeting, had dinner and got prepared for the first day!

In the morning, my group scheduled one first interview with Cementa (a mining company) in Slite. We took turns and organized the interviews depending on the place, day and languages the interviewees preferred. I led the first interview and my groupmate recorded and took notes as the interviewee answered our questionnaire. The next days we will interview several people from Arla, the Municipality and Länsstyrelsens.

There are bus cards and rental cars available for us to move around the island, thus the first day we could see the”white beaches” and admire Gotland’s landscape!  Luckily, some groupmates had experience driving on snowy roads, so I felt safe all the time 🙂

Best wishes,


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