Starting a new course: Conflict, democracy and facilitation

This week we started new lectures about how conflict can be defined, and more importantly, how communication influences its development.

The first lecture started off with the class commenting and analyzing an email conversation regarding a request to delete certain files from a database, which seemed less tricked than it actually was! Together we discussed in class what the two participants said to each other, how they formulated their argumentations, what were the possible interpretations that they made and what were the emotions or history behind their statements. Apparently, even if the goal, interest or opinion is the same,  the conflict could develop differently depending on the participant’ actions.

Also, we discussed in smaller groups another practical example, in this case, an unfortunate event which occurred within a rural community, and how communication among the members of the community could be reestablished.

It was quite interesting, practical and engaging!


Here is one of the recommended readings for the lecture:

Glasl, Friedrich. 1999. Confronting conflict. A first aid kit for handling conflict. Ch. 1. Help – Conflict. Ch. 5. How conflicts can go downhill. Hawthorne press.

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