New years eve

Tonight we say goodbye to 2017 and welcome 2018 with open arms.

From this year till the next one, several things will remain. For sure, the home exam still unfinshed. But also some other things, such as learning how to walk on the snow not looking like a pinguin, saying skål when having a beer, enjoying the first blueberry pie and the memory of seeing the magic northen lights. These, although unrelated to the program itself, are part of the experience of studying abroad. Specially, if the country you are living in is one in the north like Sweden.

This is why I want to dedicate the last post of the year to the great opportunity of receiving formal education, to the people making this journey possible and to the process of discovery we are all involved in, inside and outside the university.

All the best,

Gott nytt år! Happy new year! Feliz año nuevo!

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