Meeting second year students!

Some of my classmates organized a fika on Friday to say goodbye to each others before the christmas break in a very sweet way! We all gathered in a booked room located in Ulls Hus and had coffe, talked with lecturers, and later on played games such as Warewolf (I got to be a warewolf once, yey!).

Students from the second year also came to the fika and joined the games. I got the chance to talk with a few of them, and asked them about how it went for them last year. Apparently, they also struggled when making sense of what the program was about and explaining it to others. According to them, naming the masters as environmental “Collaboration” instead of “Communication” could be suitable, and when applying to internships it is a good idea to explain the program focus in the CV in order to clarify the skills we have acquired.

Another point we covered in the conversation was the feeling that “everything is planned, although we seem to be improvising all te time“. They said that “there is a reason behind the activities we do“, and I can see their point. Just looking backwards to the first day of class, in which we went to the garden and located ourselves like in a map depending on where we were from. I remember that Christoffer, one of the lecturers, mentioned this “first day excercise” to exemplify the Practice Theory we were about to study in the second course.

So, who knows, maybe one day this blogg can be used to track the possible underlying mechanism creating our learning process!



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