Environmental Communication 2017-2019

I can say very few things at this point, except that “we are done” with this masters.

I think that’s the only thing that “finishes” right now. Many things have begun and changed since we started our studies, or at least that’s my impression. For example, my perception of Sweden, its winter, the people I met the first weeks and those that I could say I know now. Some people were with you although they weren’t here. Some people faded away, and some appeared and stayed.

So, maybe getting to pass all courses of the master’s degree is the most linear sequence of events you can expect in these two years. And I cannot tell how it will feel for you, nor how it feels for others, but my experience is that it’s been nice to be part of “this”. I can only tell that I would do it again. No matter what comes next. I think it’s worth it.

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