Have you been accepted to Environmental Communication?

First of all: CONGRATULATIONS! This may be the beginning of a very nice experience. In this post I will tell some practical details about moving to Uppsala and a brief summary of the masters.

Housing: I recommend you to start looking as soon as you have the time. I used this website: https://studentboet.se/en You may also take a look to Facebook groups such as “Uppsala University Buy and Sell”. There may be less posts than rooms becoming available because people ask first friends of friends when moving out. So, one option is to post on Facebook groups yourself.

Through Studentboet, I directly contacted my landlord by email and introduced myself a bit. I commented that I had shared a flat before, and wrote Hej! (hello) and Tack (Thank you) in swedish, just to be nice. I did an interview on Skype first, and when I got a “yes” I signed a contract in advance. I started looking for accomodation in June and I got my room in July, so even being late, it worked out in the end.

Relatively central neighborhoods are: Kåbo, Eriksberg, Ekeby, Luthagen… Flogsta is “the student area”, a bit out of town. I lived in the city instead of near SLU, and although biking to SLU takes some time, I got used to it quite fast. My experience is that you can go by bike everywhere (20 min average), so I recommend you to choose a room/flat considering your flatmates, how long the contract will be, and price. You can expect from 3.000 to 4.000 SEK/month for a room.

ECM posts guide:

  • What’s ECM about? I made a post in April 2018 for those accepted this year. If you read other posts you will realize that there is a mix between social theory, discussions, and practice through activities such as research in groups, role plays, presentations, group assignments… etc.
  • Internship: Details about where students did their internship are mainly in two posts in September 2018.
  • Group projects: We had four in our first year. Group projects entailed interviewing people from outside of university, presentations and written work. Individual grading is independent from group projects. The individual grading is done through “home exams”, so it is not about memorizing.
  • Master Thesis: The topic is your own choice. There is a database with finished master thesis called EPSILON that you may want to visit. You just need to “click” Environmental Communication and search: https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/cgi/search/advanced

1 comment

  1. Hej Ana! Thank you so much for the post(s). Your posts ensure my decision to apply the ECM program. Thank youuuuu 😀

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