
SLU Campus (January 2019)

Snowball sampling – I read this term in a paper (see below) and it catched my attention. I think it describes well how my work “finding interviewees” has been so far: from one person to another. It all started with one email forwarded to all students from a researcher in the Environmental Communication division, which contained some Master Thesis topics suggested by someone outside university. I first showed interst, and later I asked “if they knew someone working with ecosystem services” (which is my topic). I followed this approach with their contacts and other people I contacted independently as well.

Blicharska, M., Hilding-Rydevik, T., 2018. “A thousand flowers are flowering just now” – Towards integration of the ecosystem services concept into decision making. Ecosystem Services 30, 181–191. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2018.03.001

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