Working during your studies?

Bearing in mind that ECM lasts two years, it is likely that you, future student, may consider this posssiblity. In my opinion, it is recommendable that you come to Uppsala with enough money to cover your first year of studies full time, at least. Finding a summer job here or back home can be safe card to play in order to both ensure that you get the most out of your studies, which is why you are studying a masters in the first place, and earn some money to cover your expenses. Keep in mind that if you are living at a student accommodation, you will not pay rent during summer… so you can save money then.

These are just a few stories from what I’ve experienced, seen and heard around here:

  • Swedish is required for most jobs. Good news are that there is hope for those who do not speak Swedish: You can try to learn Swedish at SFI (Svenska för invandrare – Swedish for Immigrants) for free, or online before coming here. You can check to see vacancies offered by the employment public service.
  • It is possible to find a student job? Yes. Even without Swedish, I know four people who worked at restaurants, pubs, teaching, and leading yoga classes knowing basic Swedish. Also, two other non-swedish speakers found admin and librarian roles through contacts. Here, like in many places, it makes it easier to find jobs when you know people! These jobs were part time. Other international students were working online, and for Deliveroo or similar delivery companies.
  • Working for the Nations. Many students work at the pubs and cafés when they want to. I met a student who worked at the Nations first, one day per week during the first year, and then met someone who knew someone who worked at the theatre and she works there now part time. However, working for the Nations can be on voluntary basis and when paid, the payment is very low (35 – 40SEK/h). So, it is an option for learning and paying some of your groceries, but you cannot live on that in Uppsala.

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